Sunday, June 13, 2010

Contest Entry #3: Salem


Novel type: History and Fiction

Plot Description:
After his beloved sister is killed in a Witch hunt, David vows to hunt down the Witch Hunters themselves. He lives in Salem; a town of gossip, murder, and public burnings at the steak. This story follows several different characters and their tribulations in the Witch burning town of Salem, Massachusetts.
Introduction/ Teaser:
The blood was spattered carelessly about the room. Some of it was on the chairs, and others covered the bedding. The house was empty; only a faint dripping of water could be heard from the kitchen leak. The water fell into a single bucket, which was for daily chores. It was sometimes used to clean the floors, or clear the mud from the front step. It would be morning soon, and the pigs have not been fed for some time. Suddenly a voice could be heard coming up the cobblestone path, "Addie!", it called. It was a man of about twenty-four, holding his hat down as it flew off his head. He hurried into the quaint home, searching the rooms with his eyes. His head whipped from side to side, afraid to stare at anything too long; "Addie", he called out again. After not hearing anything, he quickly ran up the stairs. He headed for the small bedroom, then his heart pierced, as no one was in it. Then his eyes darted with intensity as they followed the drops of blood that sprinkled the furniture. He covered his mouth with his hand, and his heart filled with an inexpressible sadness. His sister was gone.

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